¡Bienvenidos, Ramemprendedores!

This is a place for aspiring entrepreneurs, current business owners, and anyone wishing to learn and grow on this journey to financial success and meaningful work. Here at The Ramen Phase we are dedicated to personal and professional growth for new entrepreneurs through information, resources, and support. Within these pages you will find:

The Daily Bowl

Our daily blog. These posts will be short and focused on something that I learned or observed each day. As I am going through my own ramen phase(s), I understand that you are pouring all of your time, energy, and money into your budding business, so these are some quick thoughts and little bits of wisdom that I pick up along the way.


Here at The Ramen Phase we have broken down the entrepreneurial life into 21 categories, or ‘elements of a great meal,’ if you will. Explore these pages to find information on the whole spectrum of topics and check back often for new updates.
We’re always cookin’!
|¡En construcción!|

The 5 Stages

We like to think of the ramen phase in five distinct stages – Craving, Gathering, Boiling, Steeping, and Eating. With any process there is a natural order and rhythm to things. Refer to these stage guides for information and resources focused on your current place in your journey.
|¡En construcción!|

Ramen Reads

“Leaders are readers.”
With lifetimes of experience, knowledge, and advice written into a few hundred pages each, books are an essential part of your personal and professional development. Invest in yourself by consistently advancing your education through reading.
Join Ramen Reads, our weekly book club!
|¡Empieza 1 Enero 2021!|


We use MISO as an acronym for Mentorship, Inspiration, Support, and Optimization.
Entrepreneurship comes with unique challenges. Let’s confront them together by creating a supportive community of entrepreneurs who can openly discuss what we are learning and the difficulties that we face on this path to accomplishing our mission.
|¡En construcción!|

|Coming Soon|

There is a lot more planned for this site and community! As we continue to grow, you will find more resources for your own journey as well as new and exciting ways to connect to The Ramen Phase community. Things are changing fast, but we will not give away all the surprises!
Stay tuned for much, much more!

There you have it! Sit down, have a bowl, and let’s talk business!

The Daily Bowl

Quick and convenient squiggles of sustenance, boiled down to easily digestible and questionably healthy advice
for surviving the beginning stages of your entrepreneurial journey.

Read the blog here

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